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Back to all articlesThe next generation of voicemail: try your own AI Secretary for FREE

We've all been there - calling a small business or sales reps only to be greeted by a robotic voice asking to leave a message or telling us to press 1 for this and 2 for that. It's enough to make you want to pull your hair out! Businesses need to cope with such a problem.

That’s why the JIQ AI Virtual Secretary is here to save the day. No more missed calls or lost potential customers. AI Voice Robot engages in real conversations with your callers, making them feel like they're speaking to a human receptionist. And the best part? They won't even realise it's an AI!

Let's face it, voicemail is so last century. Did you know that 80% of people hang up as soon as they hear an answering machine? That's a lot of missed opportunities. And even if they do leave a message, the response rate is a measly 5%.

Sure, you could hire an outsourced reception service, but let's be honest, that's expensive. Why spend a fortune when you can have our AI Virtual Secretary do the job for a fraction of the cost? It's like having a personal secretary without breaking the bank. Let’s listen how it speaks and sounds in real conversation:

Don't miss important calls from potential customers

People don't like leaving voicemails, but they still expect you to be available 24/7. An AI personal assistant can take calls, find out what the caller needs, schedule call-backs, or even make appointments based on your calendar. Potential customers will appreciate the opportunity to have a live dialogue instead of dealing with a soulless machine, and you'll never miss out on new opportunities or get bothered by spam.

JIQ AI Virtual Secretary

Get a short summary in a channel of your choice

No more wasting time listening to long voicemail messages or reading inaccurate transcriptions. With an AI receptionist, all the important information can be summarized and sent to you in a convenient messaging app like WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, or directly added to your CRM system. Channels

Calendar sync

Need to schedule a meeting or set a task after a call? Your personal AI assistant can sync with your calendar and suggest your convenient times for the caller. Calendar sync

Change the robot to suit your needs

And here's the best part - you can customize the questions asked by AI to fit your specific needs. If you're a real estate agent, for example, you can gather information about the area the caller is interested in, the number of people they'll be living with, the number of rooms they need, and their estimated budget. Customize questions If you just want to filter out spam and differentiate between promotional offers and personal calls, simply ask the caller which company they're calling from and if it's an urgent matter.

So why not give an AI secretary a try? It's a cost-effective solution that can make your life easier and more efficient. Contact us to get your AI personal secretary for free.

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